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FBI前员工6年前就抖出美乱疆阴谋 美国的阴谋

近日,美国联邦调查局(FBI)前翻译西贝尔·埃德蒙兹(Sibel Edmonds)2015年的一段涉疆采访视频曝光,她在采访中明目张胆地说出了美国的阴谋。



We want to gradually, by playing the gender card and the race card internally, well, for that part of the world to play the minority without land, we're going to help them, they are being oppressed, Chinese gunning them down and torturing them.


你将会看到,类似在乌克兰上演过的那些元素将再度出现。要让新疆成为下一个台湾。You're going to see similar elements that we have been seeing, let's say, with Ukraine. Xinjiang is going to be the next Taiwan, OK?