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Gopinath said it was “imperative that costly policy mistakes are avoided.” In particular, she highlighted the need for the world’s two biggest economies, the United States and China, to find a way toresolve their trade war , which has intensified global economic uncertainty.

她指出“避免犯一些损失惨重的政策性错误是至关重要的”。她特别提到世界两个最大的经济体美国和中国。她表示希望中美能找到合适的办法解决贸易战问题 ,因为贸易战加剧了全球经济的不确定性。

Via AP

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值得注意的是,虽然IMF在这个报告中下调了对美国、欧洲、日本等 主要经济体经济增长预期,但却上调了对中国2019年经济增速的预期 。

The IMF foresees the Chinese economy growing 6.3% this year , down from 6.6% in 2018. But the fund’s latest 2019 outlook was a slight upgrade from the 6.2% growth it had forecast for China in January.

IMF预测中国经济2019年的经济增速会在6.3%左右 。这个最新的预测比IMF在1月份预测的6.2%上升了一些。

China’s prospects brightened , the fund said.

IMF表示,中国的经济前景还是光明的 。

Via AP


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