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美国新冠真实死亡数出炉 白宫气得骂街!

The president started his daily press briefing on a hopeful note, saying there was a 'light at the end of the tunnel' in the coming days - a marked contrast to his surgeon general who warned earlier Sunday that 'the hardest and the saddest week of most Americans' lives' was coming up in the battle against the coronavirus.

'We're starting to see light at the end of the tunnel. And hopefully in the not-too-distant future we'll be very proud of the job we all did,' he said.

在5日的新闻发布会上,特朗普继续赞美他此前一直热捧的治疗新型冠状病毒的“灵丹妙药”——羟氯喹。他声称这种药物现在正在测试中,并称“有一些强有力的迹象” 显示了它的潜力。


不过,美国国家过敏和传染病研究所所长安东尼·福西(Anthony S. Fauci)一直对羟氯喹的使用持谨慎态度,认为不能把它看作药到病除的”绝杀之药“。

本周五早些时候,福西还出现在 “福克斯&老友记”(Fox&Frienders)上,福西说,羟氯喹有许多副作用。

在回答记者提问的环节,CNN记者杰里米·戴蒙德 (JeremyDiamond) 请福西就羟氯喹的问题发表看法,不料立即被特朗普阻止。



