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National interest is Neoconservatism that promotes global conflict and the vision of American global hegemonism. Using false excuses (for example, "China"s technology fence garden") and then intimidating American technology companies to regard China as their necessary enemies is the plan that the US government is plotting now!



You definitely have a point. In the stock market there are bulls and bears. Only by carefully observing the two sides can you win a favorable decision.



Easy for you to say. What about China's government law about all tech companies have to obey the gov's wish? What about all the surveillance tech china is exporting and u sing against people in its own country? China paranoia is based on something. Look at lebron james and nba.

你说起来容易。中国关于所有科技公司必须服从政府意愿的法律怎么办?中国出口和使用的所有针对本国人民的监视技术怎么办?中国的偏执是有根据的。看看勒布朗 詹姆斯和nba。


I"m sure that you have been brainwashed by the public opinion dominated by the government. You idiot, the NBA first offended China, which I'm quite sure!
